Tuesday, September 23, 2008

To Be Comforted

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4

This is one of my favorite bible verses.

As I reflect back on a time in my life when I experienced deep hurt and pain (a miscarriage), I remember having not only my best friend (Dirk) beside me, but also having a group of very close friends there to comfort me.

I also remember a call (as if it was yesterday) from one of my friends. She'd called to ask if she could pray with me over the phone. For several weeks, I received many comforting phone calls, emails and cards.

This may not sound like much to most, but it brought me great comfort knowing that so many people were just a phone call away or the fact that they even cared.

Not all of us have this gift.

When I think of the "comforters" in my life, I also think of the qualities that each of them have; dependability, friendliness, patience, geniune, prayful, sympathetic, and just being a good listener.

I am so thankful that I can pick up the phone (since I don't know how to text) and call on a group of close friends to literally be there day or night to comfort me in a time when I may need them.


April said...

I agree with you. There is nothing like the comfort of friendship. Great post!

Jessica and Matt said...

This is good stuff. Just knowing that they are there, and they are praying for you even when you're not thinking about it/them, is such a blessing. But texting is faster and easier than calling... for the record.

achildoftheking said...


Your post is quite inspiring. Thank you.

As I read it put to my mind this scripture:
John 14:16-17
16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

This is to encourage our hearts. The thought that the Holy Spirit indwelling me forever gives great peace of mind and heart. All I need to do is rely on HIM to comfort my soul in times of depression.

I pray that your soul is comforted by the Holy Spirit as well as anyone who reads this.

Anonymous said...

The post is so inspiring. This is a great post.


Shell in your Pocket said...

You stopped by my blog I thought I would stop by BOTH of your blogs! I don't know how you all do it with two blogs...I can barely keep up with one! Love them both!
-Sandy Toes

The Hinesley House said...

Hello Daphine. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is nice to meet you. I read your blog and your latest post gave me chills. I too have suffered a miscarriage (2 actually but the latest one was just recently). Thanks for the inspiring words. Love your blog. Please stop feel free to drop in on my blog from time to time and I will do the same.

Anonymous said...

Dear friend...this is even more confirmation from our Heavenly Father why he led me to you. God gives us so many blessings each day, but the blessing of friends to lean on is immeasurable. Thank you for sharing your heart and the words God has given you. For all of those comforting calls and cards you received, God has used you ten fold to bless others. Love you!